
Saturday 9 September 2017

What Happens to Your Weight When You Eat Coconuts

Is a Coconut a fruit, nut or seed?  Interestingly enough it is all three.  It is a fruit because it is a fibrous drupe, it is a seed because it is the reproductive part of a tree and it is a nut because the basic definition of a nut is a one-seeded fruit.  Regardless, the Coconut tree gives us a very nutritious food, water and oil that we can and should incorporate into our lives for a variety of reasons.  Whether you are an athlete looking for a great tasting energy drink, a traveler looking to boost immunity or someone looking to loose weight and/or look younger… you should consume coconuts.

Luckily there are a variety of ways and reasons to take advantage of the enormously healthy benefits of coconuts.

  • Coconuts have amazing  antibacterial , antioxidant (selenium and zinc), anti-parasitic, hypoglycemic and immunity boosting properties.  They are also rich in vitamins and minerals such as calcium, phosphate, magnesium and iron.
  • Coconuts are perfect for athletes.  They contain a high level of water and minerals essential for hydration (five times the amount of potassium than Gatorade).  They are also low in fats and sugars and do not add on many calories.  Their high mineral content is also good for heart muscles recovering from exertion and act as antioxidants.  Also, the saturated fats contained in the flesh and milk are essential for creating “stored energy” that your body can use during long workouts.
  • Coconut water is especially good for the heart as it reduces arterial pressure and triglyceride levels.
  • Coconuts are great for people trying to lose weight.  Coconut oil is known to boost metabolism and energy levels while reducing free radicals released into the blood by toxins stored in fat as it burns away.  It is also will help reduce water retention.  In addition, coconut flesh is high in fiber.
  • Coconuts are great for beauty.  If you have dry skin or are looking for an effective and/or natural moisturizer, look no further than coconut oil.  You can also use it in your hair for a glowing sheen.
As you can see there are many uses and ways to use coconuts.  Since they are so delicious, it should be no problem to figure out new ways to use coconut products in your foods and beauty routines.

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